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A global radiosonde and tracked balloon archive on 16 pressure levels (GRASP) back to 1905 – Part 1: Merging and interpolation to 00:00 and 12:00 GMT




Many observed time series of the global radiosonde or PILOT networks exist as fragments distributed over different archives. Identifying and merging these fragments can enhance their value for studies on the three-dimensional spatial structure of climate change.The Comprehensive Historical Upper-Air Network (CHUAN version 1.7), which was substantially extended in 2013, and the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive (IGRA) are the most important collections of upper-air measurements taken before 1958. CHUAN (tracked) balloon data start in 1900, with higher numbers from the late 1920s onward, whereas IGRA data start in 1937. However, a substantial fraction of those measurements have not been taken at synoptic times (preferably 00:00 or 12:00 GMT) and on altitude levels instead of standard pressure levels. To make them comparable with more recent data, the records have been brought to synoptic times and standard pressure levels using state-of-the-art interpolation techniques, employing geopotential information from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 20th Century Reanalysis (NOAA 20CR). From 1958 onward the European Re-Analysis archives (ERA-40 and ERA-Interim) available at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) are the main data sources. These are easier to use, but pilot data still have to be interpolated to standard pressure levels. Fractions of the same records distributed over different archives have been merged, if necessary, taking care that the data remain traceable back to their original sources. If possible, station IDs assigned by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have been allocated to the station records. For some records which have never been identified by a WMO ID, a local ID above 100 000 has been assigned. The merged data set contains 37 wind records longer than 70 years and 139 temperature records longer than 60 years. It can be seen as a useful basis for further data processing steps, most notably homogenization and gridding, after which it should be a valuable resource for climatological studies. Homogeneity adjustments for wind using the NOAA-20CR as a reference are described in Ramella Pralungo and Haimberger (2014). Reliable homogeneity adjustments for temperature beyond 1958 using a surface-data-only reanalysis such as NOAA-20CR as a reference have yet to be created. All the archives and metadata files are available in ASCII and netCDF format in the PANGAEA archive doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.823617.
机译:观测到的全球无线电探空仪或PILOT网络的时间序列以碎片的形式存在,分布在不同的档案中。识别和合并这些碎片可以提高其对气候变化的三维空间结构研究的价值.2013年大幅扩展的综合历史高空网络(CHUAN 1.7版)和全球综合探空仪档案(IGRA) )是1958年之前进行的最重要的高空测量数据。CHUAN(跟踪)气球数据始于1900年,更多的数据来自1920年代后期,而IGRA数据始于1937年。但是,这些测量中有相当一部分在天气摘要时间(最好是格林尼治标准时间00:00或12:00)和海拔高度而不是标准压力水平拍摄。为了使它们与最新数据具有可比性,采用了最新的插值技术,并利用了来自美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)20世纪再分析(NOAA)的地势信息,将记录划分到了天气周期和标准压力水平。 20CR)。从1958年开始,欧洲中距离天气预报中心(ECMWF)可以提供欧洲重新分析档案(ERA-40和ERA-Interim)为主要数据来源。这些更易于使用,但仍必须将先导数据插入到标准压力水平。如有必要,已合并分布在不同档案中的相同记录的各个部分,请注意数据仍可追溯到其原始来源。如果可能,已经将世界气象组织(WMO)分配的台站ID分配给台站记录。对于某些从未由WMO ID标识的记录,已分配了100 000以上的本地ID。合并的数据集包含超过70年的37个风记录和超过60年的139个温度记录。可以将其视为进一步数据处理步骤(尤其是均质化和网格化)的有用基础,在此之后,它应该成为气候研究的宝贵资源。 Ramella Pralungo和Haimberger(2014)中介绍了使用NOAA-20CR作为参考的风的均质性调整。使用纯表面数据再分析方法(例如NOAA-20CR)作为参考,可以对1958年以后的温度进行可靠的均匀性调整。在PANGEA档案doi:10.1594 / PANGAEA.823617中,所有档案和元数据文件均以ASCII和netCDF格式提供。


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